When times get rough and you're not sure which way to turn, there is a resource of answers that far too many neglect to use. When you're looking for guidance and motivation to continue on your journey, there is a wealth of unconditional love cheering you on every step of the way. This often untapped support system is your soul. When you really quiet your mind you can receive words of inspiration from your soul. Your soul sends you these messages via symbols, signs and synchronicities. You don't need to be a Psychic or Medium to receive messages from your soul. You just need to listen. Your soul is always trying to send you messages through gut feelings and chance happenings. If you're not looking out for them, you can miss these helpful cues. That's why making time to listen to what your soul has to say is a great practice, and one that's rather easy. "Dear Young Soul, Forget about the need to be right and not wrong. Just do and be. When you truly let go you will be one with me and free. Free to be yourself and not what others dictate of you. Freedom is the ability to do what your heart feels is correct without second guessing it. To just be from your soul is blissful and you’re truly at peace. Peace with yourself and peace with the world around you. How does that sound? Well it’s not so hard to find if you just put the work in and believe. It’s that simple. Don’t let man tell you it’s not, because it’s a lie. The ego is the damnedest thing isn’t it? It can make you lose your way with a blink of an eye if you’re not careful. Wanna know the answer? Pure love! Yep, pure love. Unconditional. Has the power to move mountains and create miracles when others believe there are none. Love is the strongest force and it’s coursing through your veins. Every fiber of your being comes from love. God is love and so are you. This love is meant to be spread throughout the world. Trust. Trust is also the ability to let go and allow God to come into your life and work through you in miraculous ways. You are a soldier for God, to share the wonders of his love. He has blessed you with abilities to help others. He has heard your prayer to be of help to others and he accepts. Now do you? If you truly accept this mission, please know there will be trials but there will be great reward. Think of all the wonderful things you can do and accomplish. This goes back to trust. Trust God will carry you. Trust the process. Trust your heart. Trust Spirit will not steer you wrong and will be there to guide you every step of the way. As will I. We are a team. We are one. And together we will accomplish amazing acts of love and kindness. Now trust, believe, and let go. Your soul " This message came at just the right time and was so needed, not just for me but for everyone so I had to share this personal message from my soul to you. Many Blessings,
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