When times get rough and you're not sure which way to turn, there is a resource of answers that far too many neglect to use. When you're looking for guidance and motivation to continue on your journey, there is a wealth of unconditional love cheering you on every step of the way. This often untapped support system is your soul. When you really quiet your mind you can receive words of inspiration from your soul. Your soul sends you these messages via symbols, signs and synchronicities.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a tea fanatic. I'm addicted to starting my day with a good chai tea. Yeah Yeah, I know... caffeine isn't the best thing for a Lightworker but I just can't help myself. It's my guilty pleasure.
Several years ago, I decided to stop drinking coffee and replaced it with tea in an attempt to lower my caffeine intake, but I was desperately missing my beloved pumpkin spice coffee until I found the perfect pumpkin spice chai tea. I love it so much that I can easily drink a few cups a day without even blinking. Alright, I know what you're thinking but just hold that thought. Ok, so I think the Angels are trying to send me a message through the advice I've been giving to others. Is it a coincidence that three people within 24 hours have come to me needing advice about the same subject? Maybe, but not likely. You see, Spirit will communicate messages to you and THROUGH you in this manner. This seems to happen to me quite often. Sometimes, I need reminding of a specific message and so Spirit will send people to me who need help with that same subject. While I'm giving advice, Spirit will put thoughts into my head so that I can help bring clarity to others but at the same time I'm taking in this message for myself. I'm sure you've heard of healers getting healed while healing others. Well, same premise here.