Ok, so I think the Angels are trying to send me a message through the advice I've been giving to others. Is it a coincidence that three people within 24 hours have come to me needing advice about the same subject? Maybe, but not likely. You see, Spirit will communicate messages to you and THROUGH you in this manner. This seems to happen to me quite often. Sometimes, I need reminding of a specific message and so Spirit will send people to me who need help with that same subject. While I'm giving advice, Spirit will put thoughts into my head so that I can help bring clarity to others but at the same time I'm taking in this message for myself. I'm sure you've heard of healers getting healed while healing others. Well, same premise here. A topic that seems to be the theme of many deep discussions is why some people seem to have easier lives while others struggle to get nowhere. Some may say it's because their prayers aren't being answered. Others will blame the success of others on luck, but I'm here to tell you that's not the case at all. There are those who feel like they struggle with prayer, because they've prayed for a long time but things don't seem to get better for them. They wonder if their prayers are going unanswered. Believe me…I get it, but there just might be an element that's being over looked here. Believe it or not, everybody faces hardships in their life, even if you don't see it. There are days that we all just want to throw our hands up and give up on everything and everyone, so why does your coworker seem to have everything and then some? Well for starters, no two people are alike and neither is how they live their lives, but it's more than that. It's also about the energy we give off and the energy that we attract (Law of Attraction). Energy is a very powerful thing. What we think, what we do, what we say, and our intentions behind those words (like with prayers) all hold energy. Since everything is made up of energy this shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp, but for many it is. ![]() So why do some people seem to have easier lives than others? HELLO... It's all about their internal energy. Let's take a look at how energy plays an important role in how people attract positive things into their lives and how you may need to make some adjustments in order to do the same.
Do you see how your way of thinking causes negative energy? When you surround yourself with negative energy you attract more of the same, like a huge universal magnet. Now let's look at several things that you can do to bring in more positive energy so that you can start to experience life in a more full-filling way.
No one person has more luck than another. It’s all a matter of each individual’s circumstances and the energy that they send out and attract. Focus more on the positives in your life and less about what others have or don’t have. Remember, life is a series of choices and lessons learned from those choices. If you can trust, believe and then completely let go, you’ll allow yourself to attract a life full of abundance. Comments are closed.
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