For the past year or so, I have been seeing positive changes in my life due to the shadow work I have been doing. It's so important that we heal from childhood wounds and ancestral baggage. We think we know our faults until we start to put the work in and realize situations or circumstances that we never thought about are actually at the root cause of some of our not-so-positive behaviors and limiting beliefs.
Whether you're a spiritual butterfly or just a passerby chances are you've heard the word affirmation before. You might think it's a New Age terminology but affirmations have been around for quite some time now.
Affirmations are positive words, sentences, or mantras that are used to keep negative thinking at bay. Affirmations are meant to encourage and empower. When you are constantly thinking positive thoughts, you begin to create positive circumstances in your life (LAW OF ATTRACTION). Those who constantly speak of the bad things happening to them will continue to create more of the same because they are attracting what they put out. Your thoughts are very powerful, so what you dwell on, will be manifested in your life. Thats the difference between successful happy people and those who aren't so happy who believe that they are unsuccessful in life. When times get rough and you're not sure which way to turn, there is a resource of answers that far too many neglect to use. When you're looking for guidance and motivation to continue on your journey, there is a wealth of unconditional love cheering you on every step of the way. This often untapped support system is your soul. When you really quiet your mind you can receive words of inspiration from your soul. Your soul sends you these messages via symbols, signs and synchronicities.
Known as the “Last Witch” and “Hellish Nell”, Helen Duncan was a physical medium from Scotland. To many, she was a spiritualist martyr who helped shape modern day Spiritualism, but to skeptics she was simply a fraud. She was born Victoria Helen McCrae on November 25, 1897 in Callander, UK and died on December 6, 1956 in
Edinburgh, UK. Psychic abilities ran on both sides of her family, so as a child it wasn’t uncommon for Helen to see spirits and make predictions that would later come true. In fact, her predictions as a child were so accurate that they got her into trouble on many occasions. As a child it can be so disheartening to see and know things that others aren’t privy to. Helen often felt alone and vulnerable not having someone to turn to, who she could trust and who would help her sort these things out. Back in her day, people were very tight lipped about the spiritual world and psychics were known as crazy people. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a tea fanatic. I'm addicted to starting my day with a good chai tea. Yeah Yeah, I know... caffeine isn't the best thing for a Lightworker but I just can't help myself. It's my guilty pleasure.
Several years ago, I decided to stop drinking coffee and replaced it with tea in an attempt to lower my caffeine intake, but I was desperately missing my beloved pumpkin spice coffee until I found the perfect pumpkin spice chai tea. I love it so much that I can easily drink a few cups a day without even blinking. Alright, I know what you're thinking but just hold that thought. Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction technique that allows the body to naturally heal itself. It is administered by gentle touch or a hovering of one's hands over the body. Reiki is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress. If it is high, we are more capable of living a healthy life and experiencing joy. Reiki heals the physical body, the mind, emotions, and spirit by creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and the feeling of peace, security and wellbeing. Reiki energy works in harmony with conventional medicine and all other forms of healing, including medication, surgery, psychological care or any other method of alternative care and will improve the results.
Ok, so I think the Angels are trying to send me a message through the advice I've been giving to others. Is it a coincidence that three people within 24 hours have come to me needing advice about the same subject? Maybe, but not likely. You see, Spirit will communicate messages to you and THROUGH you in this manner. This seems to happen to me quite often. Sometimes, I need reminding of a specific message and so Spirit will send people to me who need help with that same subject. While I'm giving advice, Spirit will put thoughts into my head so that I can help bring clarity to others but at the same time I'm taking in this message for myself. I'm sure you've heard of healers getting healed while healing others. Well, same premise here.
Have you ever visited a place and immediately felt like the vibe was off and you just wanted to hightail it out of there?
Well that was me about a year and half ago. I have always been able to feel when something was wrong with a person even if they were smiling on the outside, but this experience was like none other. I was looking to buy a house to transition from city living to a more peaceful existence. You know, to focus more on my spiritual practice and to relieve myself of stress and anxiety. I saw a house that looked like a good prospect in a great neighborhood, although it needed a little TLC, I asked my realtor to set up a viewing. I wasn't 100% sure this was the house for me but I wanted to see it and at the very least get some ideas as to what I want in my home and what I didn't want. "A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul." -Saddi
Now that spring is officially here (well I hope, I'm from New England so you never know) the birds are singing, the grass blades are dancing, tree buds are bursting, and flowers are poking their heads out ready to flourish. Families all throughout the northeast are taking advantage of warmer days to prepare for months of outdoor living and entertaining. Months ago I left the city for a more peaceful life in the valley so this will be my first spring here and I'm loving every minute of it. It's truly amazing how sitting outside here differs from being in the city. As a Shaman, being outside helps me to connect more with nature and Spirit so creating a relaxing environment outdoors is important to me. I've really enjoyed decorating my front porch and the courtyard with bright calming colors. I've never been one to get my hands dirty and play in dirt but somehow I've become totally obsessed with creating a fairy village within my meditation garden. When I was a kid I thought I was going to be a doctor. Then I watched the movie Look Who's Talking saw the scene where Kirstie Alley has her baby and that ended that. I was about six and my mind was very easily changed. From that point on I started to make a lot of choices that I questioned. In kindergarten we had a bear that each of us would take for a week and care for. When the week was over we would give him (the bear was male, I peeked between his legs) something to remember us by like a hand colored picture or a leaf from the yard. The school year went by and I never got my chance to take care of the bear. When June approached and I being fully aware that there wasn't a whole week left asked my teacher, a wonderful man who I think of to this day, why I didn't get a chance his answer was simple: because you get to take him for the entire summer Armand. Now, most kids would see this as a huge opportunity and something to be excited about. I get to watch this bear all summer. He's my friend for three months and I can have him all to myself plus his suitcase of loot lifted from the other kids in my class ! Score!
Over the past few years I've done a lot of studying and soul searching in order to learn more about what was awakened in me after that first Reiki session. I always felt that I was intuitive and knew things that others didn't, but I would have never considered myself a psychic. Looking back on my life, I now know that's exactly what I am and what I've always been. In fact, I'm not only a psychic but I'm a psychic medium.
There's a lot of confusion out there as to what the difference is between being a psychic and being a medium. Even the title Psychic Medium is confusing because it's a title that doesn't quite make sense although used often. Let me explain. |